Thank you very much for participating in this survey!
In the following questionnaire, information will be gathered about the approach of software development for control code (field level control). Our target group are especially those, who are involved in the control software of machines and plants as well as Embedded Systems for products such as trains, construction machines, heaters and many more. In the survey, we use the term machine/plant representative for all the enlisted products. Throughout the survey, you will have to choose between several response categories or give a short statement. Upon your request, we can provide you with your company’s results compared to the average rating of other companies to highlight your strengths/weaknesses. In this case, please provide us with an email-address so we can send you the results.
Of course, the gathered data will be treated confidentially and anonymously. Please answer the questions completely to increase the expressivity of the evaluation.
There are 71 questions in this survey.